RCPE online symposium: Medicine of Older People
Friday 21 March 2025
Medicine of Older People | Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Sessions will focus on:
- Neurology in the older person including updates on management of stroke, dementia and neuropsychiatric presentations of Parkinson’s disease.
- Managing patient care as people move between community and hospital settings.
- Legal and ethical challenges in the care of the older person.
- Management of skin problems and eye disease in older people.
- Promoting wellbeing and health in multiprofessional teams – what can we learn from other large organisations.
Call for Abstracts - Doctors in training (resident and non-consultant)
In addition, we are inviting abstract submissions from doctors in training across all specialties for the Section 4 "Challenging Cases", focussing on a case involving an older adult with frailty. Successful applicants will be invited to present their case as a 15-minute talk. Submission Deadline: Monday, 3 February 2025.
It will be CPD accredited (6 credits applied for) and available for 28 days after each event for trainees to watch or re-watch the presentations in their own time.
See full details and how to book: Medicine of Older People | Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
The Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland (AoP)
The Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland (AoP) actively organise and promote a number of different events and webinars throughout the year for both members and non-members who are interested in Translational Medicine. This year the Annual Meeting is being held at the Royal College of Physicians in London, 3rd and 4th April 2025.
The 2025 Programme will feature four Symposia focusing on key interdisciplinary Translational Themes:
Translating Big Data and AI / Health and a Changing Environment / Changing Paradigms in Emerging Therapeutics / Open Theme
We have an exciting array of speakers including Professor Sir Stephen H. Powis, Professor Patrick F. Chinnery, Professor Lucy Chappell, and Professor Andrew Morris to name just a few.
Scottish Thoracic Society Annual Meeting
Friday 2 May 2025
In person at Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
The Scottish Thoracic Society Annual Meeting will be held in person at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh on Friday 2 May 2025. We are delighted to announce that we will be collaborating with the Scottish Systemic Vasculitis Network for a session at this event. More details to follow. Find out more about the SSVN here: Scottish Systemic Vasculitis Network
Abstract Submission
The Scottish Thoracic Society invite abstract submissions related to Audit & Quality Improvement, Research and Education & Training. Submissions are welcome from any healthcare professionals and medical students with an interest in Respiratory medicine.
Further information including the submission form can be found at: https://www.scottishthoracicsociety.org.uk/sts-annual-meeting-02-05-2025/
Please submit your abstract to sts@societysupport.org.
The deadline for submission is 9am Monday 10 February 2025.
Successful abstracts will be invited to present in person to give either an oral presentation or lightning talk. Authors will be notified in March 2025.
For any enquires please contact sts@societysupport.org.
RCPE online symposium: Solid Organ Transplant
Thursday 22 May 2025
Solid Organ Transplant | Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
This event will feature a comprehensive programme addressing advancements and challenges in transplantation. Sessions include discussions on trends in organ donation, frailty assessment, machine perfusion, antibody-mediated rejection, and ethical issues like xenotransplantation. Esteemed speakers from renowned institutions worldwide will present cutting-edge research, fostering knowledge exchange in the field of solid organ transplantation.
- Understanding current trends and innovations: Gain insights into the latest developments in solid organ transplantation, including trends in organ donation, advancements in machine perfusion technologies, and personalized immunosuppression techniques.
- Enhancing clinical knowledge: Learn about key clinical challenges and solutions, such as frailty assessment for transplant candidates, antibody-mediated rejection management, and emerging therapies for post-transplant complications.
- Exploring ethical and future perspectives: Explore critical ethical and regulatory considerations in xenotransplantation, as well as the potential future applications of technologies like extracorporeal photophoresis in transplant medicine.