Scottish Society of Physicians Grants and Fellowships

We have introduced a new small grants scheme and are pleased to report that the SSP has been confirmed as an eligible funder by the Chief Scientist Office. Details of grants and other support available are given below.

Research and quality improvement grants

The Scottish Society of Physicians offers small research grants up to the value of £5000. Preference is given to preliminary pump priming studies or quality improvement work, patient-related projects and in particular, applications from early career investigators.

Applicants must be based in Scotland and membership of the society will be required to take up an award. Applicants must be employed by either the NHS or a University. Applications must be relevant to a medical specialty and to the health of people living in Scotland. Successful applicants will be expected to submit a report of work achieved to the Society Secretary.  

Applications for research and quality improvement grants are currently closed.

Applications must use the application form template.


The Society offers grants of up to £5000 to allow members to undertake a sabbatical study. Previous grants have allowed members to travel to specialist centres to learn new clinical or research techniques. Members should submit an application to the Honorary Secretary prior to the Executive Meeting including a brief summary of the proposed sabbatical and details of the costs and financial arrangements. The details of any additional funding should be included. It is the applicant’s responsibility to arrange agreement of their employer and the Society cannot undertake to support the costs of locums. Successful applicants are expected to provide a report to the Society about their visit and to give a presentation to a future meeting.

Applications for sabbatical grants are currently closed.

Travel Grants

Trainees who are selected to give an oral presentation at the Annual Meeting are eligible for a travel grant of up to £500 to allow them to travel to present their work at another meeting. Following the AGM, the successful trainees should contact the Honorary Secretary with details of any proposed travel which would be eligible for the travel grant. The application should include the total cost of the travel plan and a note of other funding bodies which have been approached with respect to the trip. Successful applicants should submit an abstract of the work and report of the meeting attended to the Society Secretary and may be requested to make a presentation to the Society.

Applications for travel grants are currently closed.

Fitzgerald Peel Prize

The Society offers a cash prize of £250 for the trainee adjudged to have made the best presentation from the oral presentations to the Society’s AGM. Abstracts of the oral presentations including the prizewinning entry are published in the Scottish Medical Journal. There are additional prizes for poster presentations awarded at the annual meeting also.

Previous prizewinners

For further information, please contact